

甜點:彗星 Comet

Light coconut and lime sponge 椰子萊姆海綿蛋糕

330 g Almond Paste 杏仁膏
30 g Coconut powder 椰子粉
175 g Eggs
5 g Lime zest 萊姆皮屑
31 g Starch 澱粉
56 g Egg whites 蛋白
17 g Sugar
125 g Butter, Melted 融化奶油


Lighten the marzipan by gradually adding the eggs, then add the coconut powder and lime zest. Beat in the melted butter, starch amd egg white(previously whipped with the sugar) in three additions. Leave the batter to set for a few hours. Pipe about 15g into the 5.5-cm-wide silicone sphere molds(by Silikomart). Bake at 165C for 10 to 12 minutes.



Mango compote 糖煮芒果


20 g Butter 奶油
25 g Scented brown sugar 紅糖
25 g Lime juice  萊姆汁
60 g Pineapple juice 鳳梨汁
480 g Mange, in pieces 芒果塊
75 g Dehydrated mange puree 脫水芒果果泥
35 g Dehydrated passsion fruit puree 脫水百香果果泥
0.5   Lemon peel 檸檬皮
1   Orange peel 橘子皮
1.5   Buddha's hand  佛手柑
1   Vanilla 香草
0.5 g Fleur de sel 鹽之花
20 g Gelatin mass 吉利丁塊
100 g Fresh banana, cut into cubes 新鮮香蕉切塊


Combine the puree and dehydrate them in a fan-assisted oven at 90C (take into account a loss of 40 to 50%). In a saucepan, melt the butter, add the scented brown sugar and, a few seconds later, the lime and pineapple juices and the mango, cut into 1.5cm cubes. Add the peels, scraped vanilla, fleur de sel and dehydrated purees. Allow the mange to become compote, but not puree. Once the mange is cooked, add the banana and the gelatin mass

把果泥們放進90度烤箱脫水(直到剩下總重量的40~50%). 在平底鍋裡把奶油溶化後加入糖,幾秒後再加入萊姆和鳳梨果汁和芒果塊.(切成1.5立方公分) 加入水果皮,香草籽,鹽之花,和脫水果泥.加熱把芒果煮到透,可是不是果泥狀態.當芒果煮完後加入香蕉和吉利丁塊


Light coconut mousse 椰子慕斯 (卡士達醬,冷蛋白霜,打發鮮奶油)

Creme patissiere 卡士達醬

310 g Milk 牛奶
130 g Coconut puree 椰子果泥
78 g Egg yolks 蛋黃
30 g Sugar
45 g Corn starch 玉米澱粉
40 g Butter 奶油
2   Lime peel 萊姆皮
1   Vanilla 香草
120 g Malibu liqueur 椰子酒
40 g Toasted coconut 烤椰子
10 g Gelatin mass 吉利丁塊


Make a creme patisserie adding the peels and the scraped vanilla to the milk. When cooked, add the gelatin mass, butter, coconut puree and the remaining ingredients. Mix well and leave to cool to 25C.

用水果皮和香草煮出卡士達醬. 煮完後加入吉利丁塊,奶油,椰子果泥和剩下的材料,均勻混合後冷卻至25C


Cold meringue 冷蛋白霜

135 g Egg whites 蛋白
100 g Glucose 水飴
100 g Invert sugar 轉化糖


Heat the invert sugar and glucose to 90C and pour over the egg whites. Whip in a stand mixer



Whipped cream 打發鮮奶油(濕性)

755 g Heavy cream 鮮奶油
195 g Coconut puree 椰子果泥


Fold the whipped cream into the creme patisserie and finally the meringue. Pipe some mousse on the bottom of the 55-mm-wide sphere molds, place the sponge, pipe some more mousse and insert two mango and banana hemispheres together. Finish to fill with the light coconut mousse and freeze.

把打發鮮奶油輕拌入卡士達醬中,最後再拌入蛋白霜,做成慕斯. 擠進直徑55公釐的球模,放一片海綿蛋糕後,再擠進一些慕斯,再把兩個糖煮芒果放入.再把剩下的空間灌滿慕斯再拿去冷凍

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Coconut chantilly 椰子香提

350 g Heavy cream 鮮奶油
250 g Capfruit coconut puree 椰子果泥
60 g White couverture 白巧克力
160 g Mascarpone 馬士卡彭起士
36 g Gelatin mass 吉利丁塊


Heat one third of the cream to 80, add the white couverture and the gelatin. Mix well. Add the remaining ingredients and mix with the help of a hand whisk for a few seconds. Leave to set for a few hours.

把三分之一的奶油加熱至80度,倒入白巧克力和吉利丁塊. 均勻混合後加拌入剩下的食材,手打幾秒後靜置幾小時,使用前在打發。


Assembly 組裝:

Unmold the frozen spheres and helf-coat them in white couverture (at 40C) Lightened with 10% of grape seed oil. Before the chocolate hardens, sprinkle with shredded coconut and silver powder. Place the sphere in a potter's wheel. pipe the coconut chantilly using a saint-honore tip. slightly spray the chantilly with yellow cocoa butter. Garnish with some coconut and passion fruit strips.

把冷凍的球脫模之後把一半裹上白巧克力(加上10%的葡萄籽油). 在巧克力凝固之前,撒上椰子屑,和銀粉. 靜置在一個小圓圈上,用聖人泡芙擠花嘴擠上椰子香提,再輕輕噴上黃色的可可脂.最後用椰子和百香果作為裝飾. 完成圖切面如下~


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