
The moon 月球 主廚: Christophe Adam

Pate a choux 泡芙麵糊
160  g Whole milk 全脂牛奶
160  g Water
160  g Butter 奶油
6     g Sugar
4     g Salt
8     g Liquid vanilla 香草香精
160  g Flour T55 T55麵粉
280  g Whole egg 全蛋
Combine the milk, water, butter, salt, sugar, and liquid vanilla in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and dump all the flour at once while stirring  vigorously with a spatula until the dough pulls off the sides of the saucepan. Place the dough in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle and gradually add the eggs until the dough becomes smooth. Pipe 11-cm-long eclairs with a pastry bag. If using a deck oven, bake at 185C(floor) and 165C(top) for 20 minutes with vent closed and 30 minutes with vent open.
If using a convection oven, preheat to 250C, turn off the oven and bake the eclairs. Once the pate a choux has puffed, bake at 160C for 12 to 16 minutes.
把牛奶,水,奶油,鹽,糖,和香草香精放進鍋中後加熱煮滾.離火後加入麵粉後攪拌,直到成團後攪拌時不粘鍋邊. 再把東西倒入攪拌缸裡面用板狀攪拌器攪拌,慢慢地加入全蛋直到麵團呈現滑順狀態. 烤盤上擠出11公分長的泡芙. 使用層爐時,底火180度,上火160度烤20分鐘,之後把烤箱門打開烤30分鐘.


Toasted white chocolate cream 微烘白巧克力內餡

90 g White chocolate 白巧克力
120 g Heavy cream 35% 35%鮮奶油
120 g Milk 牛奶
95 g Yolks 蛋黃
23 g Sugar
Toast the white chocolate at around 160C for 10 minutes. Cook the cream, milk, yolk and sugar to 85C. Pour over the white chocolate and mix. Add the nougat shavings and chocolate bits and store in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before use
把白巧克力放進烤箱用160度烘10分鐘. 鮮奶油,牛奶,和糖混合後加熱至85度(記得加熱時要邊拌). 倒進剛剛的巧克力後均質打密. 加入牛扎糖刨絲和堅果巧克力碎塊,靜置在冰箱內至少2小時在使用
Swiss meringue 瑞士蛋白霜
100 g Egg white 蛋白
200 g Superfine sugar 細砂糖 

Combine the egg whites and sugar and heat over a steam bath to 45~50C transfer to the bowl of a stand mixer and whip for 5 minutes until the proper piping consistency (slightly coulant-like) is obtained. Pipe small meringue dots onto a silicone mat and bake at 80C for one hour.Leave in the oven overnight.

蛋白和細砂糖混合後在隔水加熱打發至45~50度. 倒入攪拌缸後在打發五分鐘直到成型可以擠的狀態. 在矽膠墊上擠出小點後再進去80度烤箱烤一小時. 取出後靜置一晚

Chocolate bits 堅果巧克力碎塊
100 g Milk couverture 牛奶巧克力
25 g Hazelnuts chopped 切碎榛果
25 g      Almonds chopped 切碎杏仁
Q.s   Shiny copper powder 食用銅粉
Melt the milk chocolate and  mix with the chopped hazelnuts and almonds. Pour the mixture onto a plastic tray and freeze. Break the  block into pieces.
Keep 50 g aside for the cream and crush more finely.
把牛奶巧克力融化後伴入榛果和杏仁. 再倒在塑膠烤盤上後冷凍. 取出後打碎至小塊
Vanilla glaze 香草淋面
2 g Powdered gelatin, 200 bloom 吉利丁粉 200bloom
10 g Water
20 g Glucose syrup 水飴糖漿
70 g Superfine sugar 細砂糖
25 g Water
155 g Heavy cream 35%


20 g   Ivoire white chocolate


(法芙娜 Ivoire)

2 u Madagascar vanilla beans 香草莢
Q.s   Titanium dioxide



Hydrate the gelatin in the water. Infuse the vanilla bean, split and scraped, the cream and pass through a chinois. Combine the glucose, sugar and water and cook to 150C. Deglaze with the hot cream. Cook to 110C. Add the white chocolate. Allow to cool down to 70C and add the gelatin. Mix in the white color.
吉利丁粉與第一部分的水融合靜置後成吉利丁塊. 香草和鮮奶油煮滾靜置一段時間後過濾. 把水貽糖漿,糖,和水加熱到150度後用鮮奶油洗鍋在加熱至110度. 倒入巧克力靜置到70度時再加入吉利丁塊, 再加入白色食用色素後均質.
Assembly 組裝
Fill the already baked 11-CM-Long eclairs with the white chocolate cream keep a small amount aside for garnishing. Apply the vanilla glaze previously warmed up se that it is fluid enough.
In a lidded container, Place the chocolate bit and shiny copper powder. Shake well to mix properly. Follow the same instruction for the pop rocks and silver powder. Garnish the eclairs with the meringue dots, nougat shavings chocolate bit. Resembling moon stone and some dots of white chocolate cream.
把巧克力內陷擠入11公分長的閃電泡芙.表面沾入香草淋面. 在盒子裡放入堅果巧克力碎塊和食用銅粉後搖一搖讓他們上色.再用相同的做法給巧克力小球和食用銀粉.



在台灣因為食品安全的問題可能比較難可以找到食用銅粉,請人代買可能會比較方便一點, 牛扎糖可以買現成的回來刨,可以買硬一點的,刨出來比較方便





本食譜僅供學術參考,請勿拷貝,如喜歡此食譜,請購買So Good the magazine of haute patisserie

此食譜發表于 So good the magazine of haute patisserie 第十三期, 一月 2015年 44頁~47頁


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