Midnight 午夜
主廚: Kirsten Tibballs
Chconut Pastry 椰子餅
150 | g | Unsalted Butter | 無鹽奶油 |
100 | g | Icing Sugar | 糖粉 |
40 | g | Desiccated Coconut | 脫水椰子 |
50 | g | Whole Eggs | 全蛋 |
260 | g | Plain Flour | 麵粉 |
2 | g | Baking Powder | 泡打粉 |
2 | g | Salt | 鹽 |
q.s. | 少許 | Mycryo Cocoa Butter | 可可脂粉 |
Beat the butter into a thick, smooth paste with an electric beater. When smooth, add the icing sugar, desiccated coconut and the egg. Combine. Add the flour, baking powder and finally the salt. Wrap in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for a minimum of 1 hour. Roll out to a 3mm thickness and cut two rectangles. 25cm*10cm. Place on a silicone mat on a perforated tray. Bake for 15 minutes at 160C or until golden brown. Dust with Mycryo as it comes out of the oven and cool.
用攪拌器把奶油用槳狀攪拌器打至光滑. 加入糖粉和脫水椰子之後再加入麵粉,泡打粉和鹽. 放進冰箱靜置1個小時後取出,桿至3釐米再切出25公分*10公分的長方形.在烤盤上擺上矽膠墊用160度烤15分鐘直到表面金黃之後再灑上可可脂粉.放旁邊冷卻
Raspberry Jelly 覆盆莓果凍
15 | g | Gelatine Sheets | 吉利丁 |
462 | g | Raspberry Puree | 覆盆莓果泥 |
68 | g | Caster Sugar | 糖 |
Pre-soak the gelatine and mix together with one third of the defrosted puree and the sugar. Heat to 60C and then add the remaining defrosted puree. Deposit into a silicone frame and freeze. Once frozen cut into a rectangle 24cm*9cm and return to the freezer.
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Dark Chocolate Mousse 黑巧克力慕斯
600 | g | Cream | 鮮奶油 |
300 | g | 66% Dark Chocolate | 66% 黑巧克力 |
130 | g | Syrup 30 Baume | 30B糖水(100水:130糖) |
75 | g | Egg Yolk | 蛋黃 |
3 | g | Gelatine Sheets | 吉利丁 |
Semi-whip the cream and set aside in the fridge. Melt the couverture in the microwave to 60C. Combine the sugar syrup and egg yolks over a double boiler and whisk until you reach 80C to create a bombe paste. Fold a small amount of the whipped cream through the couverture until you reach a consistency similar to the bombe paste. Then fold the couverture mixture through the bombe paste and lastly add the remaining cream. Deposit into a silicone frame and freeze. Once frozen cut into a rectangle, 24cm*9cm and return to the freezer.
把鮮奶油稍微打發之後放進冰箱.把巧克力融化至60度.把糖水和蛋黃混合後再一邊打發一邊隔水加熱至80度做出炸彈麵糊. 把一部份的鮮奶油跟巧克力混合直到跟炸彈麵糊一樣的質地.再把巧克力鮮奶油跟炸彈麵糊拌勻,再拌入剩餘的鮮奶油. 倒進矽膠膜之後放冷凍. 取出後切出24公分*9公分的長方形再放進冷凍庫
Vanilla Marshmallow 香草棉花糖
150 | g | Caster Sugar | 糖 |
64 | g | Water | 水 |
47 | g | Dextrose | 右旋糖(葡萄糖) |
2 | 根 | Vanilla Beans | 香草莢 |
12 | g | Gelatine Sheets | 吉利丁 |
49 | g | Glucose | 水飴 |
q.s. | 少許 | Cornflour | 玉米澱粉 |
q.s. | 少許 | Icing Sugar |
糖粉 |
Combine the caster sugar, water, dextrose and cut and scraped vanilla bean, bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and add the soaked gelatine. Warm the glucose and slowly pour the syrup mixture over the glucose in a mixer, whisk on high speed. Continue to whick on high speed until the mixture reachs ribbon consistency. Pipe the mixture into silicone paper tubes 1.5cm diameter. Leave to set at room temperature. Heat the silicon paper with a paint stripper gun to release to marshmallow onto a tray with a mixture of equal parts corn flour, equal parts icing sugar.
把糖,水,右旋糖和香草籽煮滾,離火後加入已經泡過冷水的吉利丁.把水飴加溫後放到攪拌器裡在慢慢倒入剛剛煮滾的糖水,高速打發.打至濕性發泡.擠入直徑1.5公分的紙管裏.等到降到室溫左右.用吹風機把紙管加熱,慢慢把棉花糖取出放在 糖粉和玉米澱粉 1:1 的混合粉上防止粘黏.
Finishing 裝飾
200 | g | 70% Dark chocolate | 70% 黑巧克力 |
q.s. | 少許 | Fresh Raspberry | 新鮮覆盆莓 |
q.s. | 少許 | Gold Leaf | 金箔 |
Crystallize the couverture and spread a thin layer on a guitar sheet and cut rectangle 9cm*24cm. Melt circles in a variety of sizes into the rectangle with piping tubes warmed with a paint stripper gun.
Assembly 組裝
Place the chocolate mousse and then the raspberry layer onto the coconut base. Alternate strips of mashmallow and fresh raspberrys and place the chocolate disc on top garnished with gold leaf.
※為保障國際著作權,本文章僅作交流推廣之用,請勿擅自拷貝、複製、列印等,禁止任何商業用途,歡迎連同原網址轉發,若喜歡本文請購買 [So good the magazine of haute patisserie 第十一期, 一月 2014年 266,267頁]
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